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Landlord Fees

Full Management Fees

One property            
15% including VAT
12.5% + VAT
Two properties    
13.2% including VAT
11% + VAT
Three + properties    
12% including VAT  
10% + VAT
Portfolio of five or more properties - Negotiable

This fee will automatically be taken from the rental payment each month and the remainder will be transferred into your bank account on a monthly basis.

Landlords Fee:
£240.00 including VAT = £200.00 + VAT
This fee is for providing legal Tenancy Agreements, deposit protection and a detailed agreement and schedule of contents which includes photographs

Renewal fee:
£120.00 including VAT = £100.00 + vat
This is if a change in tenancy for the property after a tenant moves out and a new Tenancy Agreement and schedule of contents etc, is required.

A payment of 60% of one months rent including VAT (1/2 months' rent + VAT)
Landlord's fee
£240.00 including VAT = £200.00 + VAT
This fee is for providing legal Tenancy Agreements, schedule of contents with photographs and tenant references. This fee will be taken from the first month's rent.